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Conversion code in a sentence

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Sentence count:15Posted:2022-05-28Updated:2022-05-28
Similar words: conversion costconversion modeconversionreconversionbioconversiondata conversionconversion ratefile conversion
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1, Currency conversion code A3 is calculated.
2, Accounts with currency conversion code D are calculated.
3, Currency conversion code A2 is calculated.
4, Currency conversion code A is calculated.
5, Derive the XML data model based on the specified mapping, and generate the mapping/conversion code.
6, Top-down -- Start from an existing XML description of the interface (XML schema, DTD, WSDL), derive the XML data model, and generate the mapping/conversion code.
7, The H conversion code provides a facility for printing out characters.
8, Basically, you just write format conversion code, and have no ability to affect either the input or output format.
9, These static member functions build the actual conversion code used by.
10, A simple database structure conversion code, which I found from the Internet, communication up and we will study together.
11, In fact, the core conversion code is actually almost already vectorized.
12, The conversion code provides a facility for printing out characters.
13, Every other argument may be a perfectly normal C type, however,( code.html) as Inline will figure out the conversion code for you automatically.
14, If there is no amount in the register, the account is converted according to the rules for currency conversion code D.
15, Insert this type of system into the message board application and merge it with the HTML validation and conversion code.
More similar words: conversion costconversion modeconversionreconversionbioconversiondata conversionconversion ratefile conversionconversion optionconversion tableconversion priceconversion ratiointerconversionenergy conversionconversion factorconversion processconversion factorsdigital conversionconversion disorderfrequency conversioncharacter conversioncoordinate conversionin conversation withinversionnoncontroversialinversion layerconversationconversazionematrix inversionconversational
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